
奥维亚生物提供超过 83,000 种抗体产品以及 29,000 多种抗原产品!

About Us

Aviva Systems Biology

Antibodies to Key Target Families and Unique Content

Our large catalog of antibodies

Aviva Systems Biology provides our customers with an extensive collection of quality antibodies for research and diagnostic applications.  Aviva currently offers antibodies to more than 7,000 different protein targets due to our high throughput antibody production releases more than 200 new antibodies every month.  Aviva's focus is antibodies to key targets in areas of transcription, epigenetics and cell signaling.  Aviva's antibody collection includes unique antibody content to many targets that are not commercially available elsewhere.  We place our emphasis on family-oriented antibody production has yielded antibodies to most members of key protein families such as Transcription Factors, Transcription Regulators, RNA Binding Proteins, Ion Channels, and Cell Membrane target proteins.

Continued effort in research and development.

Aviva also has a rich pipeline of an additional 17,000 antibodies that are currently undergoing extensive western blot characterization and validation using a panel of 6 tissues and 6 cell lines.  We anticipate releasing several thousand new antibody products in the year ahead as Aviva's high throughput processing team characterizes these candidate new products.

Accommodating customer feedback.

Aviva welcomes customer input and encourages researchers to contact us with requests for specific antibodies to meet their research requirements (info@avivasysbio.com).  If we have an antibody to meet your needs in our pipeline but not yet released, we will make a concerted effort to move your target forward in the queue and alert you to the availability of the new antibody once released.

  北京奥维亚生物技术有限公司是美国Aviva Systems Biology全资的高新技术企业,位于北京市大兴工业开发区。公司成立于2001年7月,主要从事用于功能基因组和蛋白质组学研究的抗体试剂及其它附属产品的生产和研发。公司目前拥有近两千平方米的实验室,依托强大的生物信息处理能力搭建了多项高通量生产技术平台,开发生产了数万种抗体产品。AVIVA品牌的抗体产品已在美国、欧洲和日本等国家销售多年并广受好评。为进一步满足功能基因组学研究的需求,公司正在进一步加强单克隆抗体规模和系统化生产,并不断开发新的产品,提高产品的附加值。依靠先进的管理体制和科学的经营理念,凭借高效专业的生产技术流程和严格的质量控制系统,全力为全球的生命科学研究工作者提供一流的产品和服务,是北京奥维亚生物技术有限公司的努力目标。

  公司的母公司是Aviva Systems Biology,位于美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥。Aviva Systems Biology在全球范围内的技术、人才和市场优势,将为北京奥维亚生物技术有限公司在产品质量的提升以及产品的更新与研发方面提高强有力的支持。

  1、抗体品种多:已在线销售的抗体有40000 多种,其中多数抗体属于新的和热点的靶抗原对应抗体,抗体产品的靶蛋白包括了转录因子,RNA结合蛋白、离子通道蛋白和膜蛋白家族,以及其它一些热点研究领域。另外,公司还积累了非常多的抗体品种正在用多种细胞和组织进行鉴定。